What's a Bad Habit You're Not Willing to Change?

Everyone has at least one BAD HABIT . . . that they have NO INTENTION OF CORRECTING.

Like eating Taco Bell right before bed. Eating Taco Bell as soon as you get up. Or eating Taco Bell, in general.  (???)

There's a thread on social media where people are talking about "bad habits they're NOT willing to change." And here are the highlights:

1. Refusing to delete old emails.

2. Procrastinating.

3. Staying up way too late . . . "just scrolling through memes and cute cats."

4. Social media.

5. Ignoring text messages.

6. Taking a four-hour nap, and then not being able to sleep.

7. Hitting snooze about five times every morning.

8. Picking your nose. And biting your fingernails.

9. Chewing on your fingers.

10. Biting the inside of your mouth.

11. "Sucking my thumb."  (Someone said they're 36, and they still occasionally do it in secret, because it's a "self-soothing thing.")

12. Wasting too much time gaming.

13. Gambling.

14. Vaping. Or chewing tobacco.

15. "Twirling my mustache when I'm deep in thought."  (???)

16. And a lot of people's bad habits were things they consume: Sugar and sweets . . . soda . . . energy drinks . . . pizza . . . frozen pizza . . . binge eating . . . too much caffeine . . . drinking too much alcohol . . . and smoking way too much weed.


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