Even though this event was Thursday, it did help jumpstart my weekend... shoutout to the Four Seasons Hotel in Minneapolis, the Riva Terrace, Amanda, Chad and everyone who invited Bailey and I to the Summer Social. It couldn't feel less like summer on this day because it was cloudy and eventually downpour but the event was so cool.
They had gelato, a bar, activities, and even a massage... and you know I'm never turning down a massage.
FINALLY, my fam bam has made it to Minnesota!! This is the first time since I've moved to the Midwest nearly a year ago that they have come up here and seen my apartment. Next to me is my grandma, my mom's husband Darrell, my mom, and my oldest of two little sisters, Brielle.
It is has been so strange but refreshing having them here. My mom cooked breakfast like she used to, my Grandma has literally been cleaning EVERYTHING which I'm not gonna complain about. My mom caught this photo of me wearing my sister's bonnet.
Sunday we didn't do too much of anything because they had to check into their AirBnB in the middle of the day so we got food at Urban Skillet and went to a few stores just to get things for them for the week. They're staying out here until the Friday after 4th of July so keep an eye on my Instagram for more photos with my fam bam throughout the week.