It's a Monday, so I won't bother trying to sugar-coat the BAD NEWS: Bacon is up 13% . . . and I'm NOT talking about inflation.
A team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health just released a new report, with data going back almost 50 YEARS.
The bad news is that processed meats . . . like bacon, hot dogs, sausage, pepperoni, and ham . . . increase the risk of cognitive decline and dementia by 13%.
And that's even among participants who averaged just 0.25 servings per day. Or about two servings per week.
Experts say this "increased risk" could be reversed by replacing bacon with salmon, or any fish, really.
Bacon and other processed meats were never considered to be PEAK HEALTHINESS . . . but the rep for these foods has taken a serious hit over the past few years.
Last year, the World Cancer Research Fund linked consumption of processed meats with an uptick in cancer rates among young people.
And according to a study from 10 years ago, people who eat red and processed meat every day are 40% more likely to get bowel cancer compared to those who eat it once a week or less.