Some people can fold a t-shirt perfectly in one second without even thinking about it. And others fold it . . . undo it and re-fold it . . . undo it and re-fold it . . . and it STILL comes undone before they get it into the drawer.
People on social media are listing the things that are SO SIMPLE to do . . . and yet, somehow, they're SO HORRIBLE at them. Here are some highlights:
1. Estimating how much pasta to cook.
2. Wrapping gifts.
3. Following driving directions. Or giving directions. Or having a sense of cardinal directions. Or even telling left from right.
4. Parallel parking. This isn't always simple, depending on the space you have.
5. Perceiving time.
6. Whistling.
7. Sleeping.
8. Doing anything while someone is watching.
9. Applying eyeshadow.
10. Hula hooping.
11. Making rice. (A rice cooker or Instant Pot makes it hard to screw up.)
12. Making hard boiled eggs. (They're not called simple boiled eggs.) (???)
13. Operating a manual can opener.
14. Eating with chopsticks.
15. Shuffling cards.
16. Playing hacky sack.
17. Writing an ampersand.
18. Someone said, "Rolling my Rs."
19. Someone said, "I can't tie a balloon after blowing it up."
20. Someone said, "Drinking out of a glass. 9 times out of 10 I'll slam the cup into my teeth or pour the drink on myself. I don't have good depth perception."