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Things to do Other Than Sitting on the Couch

Do you struggle with this? I do. I work out most days. It's usually a 30 minute workout. I also chase Olive around, so I'm definitely "couch surging" a lot less these days, but I always feel like I do it too much. In my mind, it always comes down to spending money...like if I leave the couch and go do something, it costs money. I don't want to do that all the time.

I found this list, and I think it's a good start...it at least offers SOME ideas I'd try and could do.
For the record, I know you may not have a lot of extra time, and doing what is best for you is key!

Speaking of the Gratitude List-I mentioned in my blog yesterday that I'm writing down 4 things I'm thankful for each day this month.

Had a great 30 minute walk with Olive in the beautiful weather
Good news at Elliott's vet appointment. Easy fix with a UTI
Received good news about a client
Laughed a lot during our show

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