This weekend was a nice long weekend which is always great. It was a rough start to the weekend. Thursday night, I took Dolly to the vet because her ear was bothering her. She had an ear yeast infection, so we got medicine for that. Friday, Olive had her 4-month shots. She was looking me in the eyes for the first poke and immediately started crying, and I teared up because it just broke my heart. When she was done, I had to go to the doctor too. I've been bleeding since December (basically like a period that won't stop). I had an ultrasound last week, and they found that a piece of my placenta is still in me. SO I have to go have surgery next week to have it removed. I've never had surgery, and I've never been sedated. I know it's an easier one, but I just wish I didn't have to do it. Anyway. I went home and made meatloaf muffins. I don't have a special recipe. I honestly googled it.
Saturday we accomplished a lot like clearing snow, installing a new light, and a few other things. One of those things was getting Olive a high chair. She isn't eating food yet, but we need a place for her to sit in the kitchen, and she tips a bit now in her bumbo. We got this at Blossom Baby and Maternity in the EP mall. I love how she's looking at Dolly in this pic! haha
Sunday...we were bored...
We also saw Little Women which I loved! We got Olive this little thing because we saw Colt's daughter loves it...and we'll try anything. it's in her crib! (this picture is not the crib, it's the couch next to me)
AND a bonus, my mom and I took Olive to the zoo!