It's pretty crazy to think I'm halfway there. I have a legit bump although it still isn't as cute as most people's. My t-shirts aren't quite fitting anymore, and I will be living in dresses and skirts soon. I went in yesterday for my 20-week appointment. First of all, if you haven't had a kid before, I've learned lots of things about baby appointments. It isn't like the movies. I saw the baby at my first 9-week appointment, but I didn't hear the heartbeat. Since then, I have only heard the heartbeat...until this 20-week appointment when I saw her again. In the movies, they show everything in the first appointment.
Anyway, I think the cutest thing was her fingers. It made it the most real maybe. She was not cooperating yesterday. She did NOT want to give us a profile pic, and she was SUPER active with her hands and feet. I haven't really felt her yet, but they said I should start feeling her for sure.
I still haven't read a ton or signed up for classes. I do plan to take a class after I give birth with other mothers who give birth at the same time as me. I created a registry, and I'm sure I have things that are way overpriced on there that aren't necessary. I have 2 showers set up, one here and one in Indiana.