So many people are cutting the cord with cable. They are using Netflix or Hulu or a combo of a few cheaper options. I have cable and Netflix. Well, now Disney is adding one more you'll have to subscribe to...I love you Disney, but thanks for nothing....
On Tuesday, Disney said it will be pulling its movies from Netflix and will launch a Disney streaming service of its own in 2019. It also said it will launch an ESPN streaming service early next year.
Details of the Disney streaming service were sketchy Tuesday, with CEO Bob Iger saying that if a movie is Pixar- or Disney-branded, it will probably appear exclusively on the new service including shows and movies made specifically for the service, but the jury is still out on Marvel and Star Wars films.
Deciphering Iger's vague comments Tuesday, it could mean that the upcoming Frozen 2 would be available for streaming exclusively on Disney's new service while Star Wars: Episode IX presumably would not, though they are both set for release in 2019. Star Wars and Marvel movies in the future could be on the Disney service exclusively, could not be there at all or could be there as well as on other services. Those decisions are yet to be made, but the decision to not renew with Netflix is a done deal.
Disney also owns a stake in Hulu, and Disney executives said Tuesday a multiyear deal putting Mulan, Pocahontas and others on Hulu will not be affected by Disney's upcoming service.