I sat in the backseat with Gwendolyn on the ride from the airport and we hit it off right away! Last time I saw her, she was only two weeks old.
OK, this is a bizarre picture. Let me explain. Chase and Maddie had a garage sale and they dug this up to sell. Somebody got it for them as a present because Chase has a pet cat and apparently they thought this was a cute gift. We all laughed at it because it is probably the worst white elephant present anybody could ever have, definitely sold in the garage sale.
Later in the day, I took Gwen and their dog, Loki, for a walk. We all really enjoyed it!
We went to the aquarium, which was super cool and had a great time. Gwendolyn really enjoyed the jellyfish. This is Chase touching a stingray which we all got to do and was really cool.
Sunday at the airport, we found one of these cars driving next to us. Yep, that is a driverless car. Super weird to see no people in the front seat! Would you ride in one of these?