Dave Ryan

Dave Ryan

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Dave's Hot Summer Weekend in Five Photos!

Phew! That was a hot weekend! But it didn't keep people away from the fair! I would say it was as crowded on Sunday as I've ever seen it.

Here come some pics from the fair and from the rest of the weekend!

Friday night I went out to play golf with Melissa, Extreme Jamie's ex. We went to the New Hope Town Course and we both did okay. Not great but okay! I measure how well I did by how many balls I lost and I only lost one! That's a win!

Saturday it was off to the fair! My second stop after Pork Chop on a Stick was Fried Smelt! This is Kay who listens to the show and works at the Fried Smelt booth in the food building.

We watched the girls over the weekend and I thought this was adorable. Watching Paw Patrol together!

Back to the fair on Sunday! I really don't think this picture needs a caption, do you?

It was so hot, I bought one of these portable neck fans for $30. It was okay but it only blew around hot air so the jury is still out on whether it was worth it.

And that's it! I hope you had a good weekend! Come see us all from the morning show at the fair on Thursday from 11-1. AND I'll be at the Treasure Island booth Wednesday from noon - 1!

Thanks for looking at my pics!


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