Carson and I ran in the Chanhassen Turkey Trot 5K Thanksgiving morning. We both ran the whole thing and felt really good about it!
Here we are crossing the finish line, and yes, apparently we got beat by a 5 year old! LOL!
Thanksgiving dinner! It was just the three of us but it was great.
And because Susan did most of the cooking, I cleaned up.
Just a random picture of Carson watching the Macy's parade. I was just so happy to have him home!
Friday was Native American Heritage Day and I got this hoodie from Treasure Island to recognize the occasion.
This 1997 Barbie Camper was a big topic of discussion around our house this weekend. It belongs to Allison and has been in our basement for years. Sure, it's missing a wheel but it's still usable and Ava and Evelyn liked it. Allison wants to throw it away and I want to keep it! I'll tell you on the air what we decided to do with it.
And Saturday night we went to see Chanhassen vs St. Thomas Academy play for the state high school championship. Second best game I've ever seen! Of course, I rooted for Chanhassen cuz that's where I live and where Carson went to school but wow, St. Thomas Academy has a GREAT team. What an offense! I hated that either team had to lose.