I had a really great weekend! Flying, Ava, and the Shamrock 7-Miler!
Let's dive right in!
Friday afternoon was gorgeous so I flew up to Duluth. I've been there dozens of times but have only flown there once. It's about an hour up depending on the wind. I landed, got gas, chatted to some other pilots and headed back. Interesting note: I had a tailwind on the way there and was flying at 147, about 170 miles per hour. On the way back I had a headwind and could only go about 95 knots, which is about 110 miles per hour. 60 mile per hour difference!
Saturday afternoon was the big Shamrock 7-Miler downtown Minneapolis along the river. It was one of the first real races since the pandemic and I was pretty excited for it! This is just before the start of the race.
And at the end! I must have trained well because it was actually very easy. It helped that it was a beautiful day and the course is pretty much flat. Thanks to Twin Cities in Motion and all the volunteers for helping bring back events like this!
Afterward, I went to Jinx Tea to treat myself. LOVE their bubble teas!
Allison brought Ava for a visit Sunday. She's 7 months old and very curious about everything. She found my mask and was playing with the strap. Such a sweet girl!
I hope you had a good First Weekend of Spring! Have a great week and thanks for looking at my pics!