Dave Ryan

Dave Ryan

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Dave's Christmas Vacation in 16 Good Pictures and 1 Bad One

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a great holiday! Kind of weird since most of us didn't have anywhere to go. In fact, I never even left the house from Christmas Eve until the following Wednesday when I left to get a flu shot!

So a lot of my pictures are at home. And one of these is so lame it shouldn't even be on here but it is. See if you can spot it!

Here we go!

Susan and Carson sitting on Santa's lap on Christmas Eve. Santa had come to visit some of our friend's kids and I have to say, that Santa looks oddly familiar!

That same night, we drove around Chanhappnin' to look at some of the Christmas lights.

That night, we let Carson open one of his gifts which was this record player. He barely touched it and it's still sitting in the same spot on the floor 10 days later. Oh well, I think it was a gift *I* wanted him to love but he just couldn't care less.

But he did love holding baby Ava on Christmas Day!

Allison and Ava got matching hats!

And Carson got them matching Nike's!

And Susan and Allison wore matching shirts! Lots of matching going on here!

That night, we played an MTV game I got. And of course, I killed it.

And here's the lame picture I probably shouldn't have included. The game is called "Hues and Clues" and it's actually fun! But the body language, facial expression and the almost completely blank board make this look miserable. Yep, should have left this out!

But this one is pretty lame too. I love hot green tea. It's my favorite. I even have a scale to weigh out just the right amount. This is tea that Allison gave me. Buy local! Tea Source and Mrs. Kelly's Tea are both here in the Twin Cities!

I've been really serious about fitness lately and I'm down 20+ pounds with another 15 to go. Seriously, it feels amazing to do some of the workouts I used to do.

Josie sleeps downstairs in her kennel because she's old and she "leaks". But I put a diaper on her and let her sleep with me now and she loves it. This is her on the bed before I could get her diaper on. She just hopped right up and made herself at home.

Now things get ridiculous. I don't even know how I found it, but I started playing this game called Match 3D on my phone. It's so addictive. You find matching items in this pile and drop them on the round thing at the bottom. Match them all before the timer runs out and you win. I showed Susan and now she's worse than I am!

She can't stop! In fact, as I write this Sunday morning, she's already played and passed the next level, which she's been trying to pass since Friday!

Ya can't sit inside all day playing phone games, so I went out cross-country skiing 3 times and will probably go again later today!

Carson's home without a lot to do, so we took advantage of the free labor and had him put together a bookshelf for Ava's room.

And that's it! The holidays are behind us! What are you looking forward to? (Remember, it's so important to have something to look forward to!)

Thanks for checking out my blog!


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