You will NEVER hear me complain about hot weather! It could be 100 degrees and humid and I'll never bitch! After the long, cold and dark winters we have in Minnesota, I LOVE the hot weather! Saturday was around 90 and Sunday was close to it! On weekends like this, you HAVE to be outside! Here are five photos from my weekend, all but one involves being outside!
Let's start off in Stillwater. We had planned to go to the zoo, but Carson had to run a GPS unit over to a Boy Scout camp in Wisconsin just past Stillwater so we decided to make a day of it. So many boats in the river, and of course, shopping and eating. I have to mention an Irish restaurant called "Charlie's". The Irish fries were amazing. Cheese, bacon, sauerkraut and corned beef on fries? YES PLEASE! And we also stopped at Candyland, which I love because the people who work there still wear old fashioned paper hats.
This was on Friday. Josie and I went out for a five mile run. She's 8 but she still can keep up just fine. Not that I'm a speed demon or anything!
Yes, you should laugh at me for this but I bought a Zelda case for my Nintendo Switch. But hey, I never sat inside and played it this weekend cuz it was too nice outside! But I do get the ridiculous-ness of a guy my age with a bright blue Zelda case. And I love it.
Saturday night we grilled. I actually had Carson do the cooking because he's a Boy Scout and already knows how and it's a good thing to let him do once in awhile instead of playing on his phone while I cook!
And finally, I ran again on Sunday. This time was only 3 miles but it was great to get some good outdoor runs in this weekend.
Hope you had a great weekend as well! Have an awesome week, and thanks for looking at my blog!