Bailey's Chill Weekend

Made the leap and downloaded Stardew Valley to get me through the rest of the winter. I had 3 in-game years on my former roommate's Switch, but decided to download it for my PS4 and start a brand new farm. My farmer has pink hair and her name is Bea.

I went to see a play reading from Melancholics Anonymous, a young theatre company in the Twin Cities who always does phenomenal work. One of my former Speech students acted in it; it was so neat to reconnect!

Went to go see my favorite improv group, The Bearded Company, for their B Movies run at Strike Theater. I laughed, it was great. They perform again on Valentine's Day!

Saturday was Speech Day! Had a record low number of students compete this weekend, which is a bummer, but I think we had a good time regardless. I got to judge this weekend, and I judged a Original Oratory round, an Extemporaneous Reading round, and Creative Expression finals (and I got to be head judge, my favorite!) We were at Prior Lake High School and there were so many quirky things in the classrooms.

Sunday I went to my nephew-ish's birthday! My friends Sarah and Jordan have two kids and they call me Auntie Bailey, even though I'm not blood. It was Rowland's third birthday! I spent most of the party playing imaginary inside baseball with his brother, Ryder. I gave the birthday boy bubble bath, bath silly string, and a rubber ducky. It caused a tantrum because he couldn't open the bubbles right away.

Sunday night I decided to do all my work at my friend Sarah Collie's house. Because we all love a couch friend. I also got to try cotton candy grapes for the first time!

Even though I did a decent amount this weekend, it was still chill in comparison to most. So I got a LOT of cuddles in with Capp.

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