Friday, I once again saw my favorite improv group, The Bearded Company, do their improvised Dungeons and Dragons campaign called Swords and Sorcery (every Friday night at 7:30pm at HUGE Theater in Uptown.)
Debate season started this Saturday and the majority of my team was unable to attend. I had one Varsity and one Novice come to observe though and I judged 3 rounds of JV. Next week I have 10 kids signed up! Hooray!
Harvested a bunch of really beautiful tomatoes from my garden. My harvest is small this year because the rain really messed with my soil. Next year I'm gonna enrich it a bit so that my plants can thrive! I think I may just sauté these all up and eat up with a fork.
Performed again in Improvised Twilight Zone at HUGE Theater. The set I was in was all-female and very weird, with teeth aliens...? The rest of my performances in the run are on Oct 12th and Oct 19th.
Back for the last time this season at the Renaissance Festival. I only worked four hours and then got to meander the grounds, watch shows, and soak it all in. Met up with one of my former chocolate-seller-coworkers, Aidan. I see him once a year. At the Renaissance Festival.
Went to Silent Book Club Mpls for the first time. It was at Wicked Wort brewery in Robbinsdale. I went with my friend Sarah, we read for about 45 min, then shared with small groups what we were reading. I'll definitely do it again!
Sunday night was the last Improv-A-Go-Go show at HUGE Theater. It's the end of an era, so the place was packed. I saw a lot of friends do improv, and a bunch of us from Twilight Zone were there! I'll really miss this place.