Dave’s Long Disney World Weekend In 13 Pictures!

we flew down to Walt Disney World last week with the girls! And for Allison‘s birthday! Here are some fun pictures from the trip!

We stayed at the Contemporary Hotel, Which is my favorite mostly because the monorail comes right through the middle of the hotel.

Nothing quite like walking down Main Street toward the castle right after you go in the park.

Yes, of course I had to go on the carousel!

This guy was cleaning and drew this amazing picture of goofy with a wet mop!

When you order cheesecake at Disney, you get something special! It tasted just like cheesecake, but looked just like cheese!

Allison was super tired and was kind of fed up with the girls so I put them in the stroller and walk them around so she could get a little bit of rest.

Maybe you’ve been to Benihana and seen them make a volcano out of onions. Well, this guy outdid them all! At first we were wondering what he was making cutting up the onions into such specific little shapes, but Minnie slowly came into being!

Allison loves art so I got her this little portable paint set for her birthday!

And within a few minutes, she painted this!

Having some fun with the girls in the arcade.

Enjoying a motion simulator with Ava.

The first time I went to Disney was Disneyland when I was in fifth grade. I took a picture of the train coming and it looked a lot like this one. The original picture was in black-and-white so I tried to replicate it this time. If only I could find the original picture to compare them!

The girls excitedly, waiting to go on the tea cups!

Wow, it’s hard to come back to the freezing cold after being in Florida, but it’s good to be home!

Thanks as always for looking at my pictures!


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