Dave’s Christmas Vacation in Something Like Pictures!

Wow, that was a great vacation! The perfect combination of doing a lot of nothing, AND doing some cool things!

Let’s take a look at those pictures!

I just loved this scene. The tree is lit up, lots of presents underneath, a warm fire and Josie relaxing. And the stockings are hung by the chimney with care…

Carson was home from LA and his buddy, Roger, found his lap pretty much every time he sat down.

I went to breakfast with my friend, Nurse Wendi, at the McDonald’s by Southdale. See that wall behind her? It’s weird AF! First I sat by the wall and she kept saying it started to look 3D like it was coming toward her. I thought “Okay, SURRRRRE.” But she asked to switch places and holy buckets she was right! It made me so dizzy we eventually had to sit on the same side! If you ever get a chance, visit that McDonald’s and see for yourself!

Good news: Birds visited my feeder.

Bad news: So did the squirrels. There’s one on the feeder knocking out food for four of their buddies!

Allison, Justin and the girls came over for Christmas!

And I played this little game you’ve probably seen where you push the dog’s teeth and hope he doesn’t bite you.

I thought this was a good gift idea. Susan wasn’t crazy about it. What do you think?

Kind of a family tradition…We made homemade pizzas!


Someone told me how fun Mario Party is, so I downloaded it and yes, they were right!

We went to the Vikings-Packers game!

AND finally, I watched some of the Twilight Zone Marathon. In case you didn’t know, Twilight Zone is THE greatest TV show of all time.

And that’s it! I hope you had a great holiday! Happy New Year and thanks for looking at my pictures! See you on KDWB!


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