Friday in San Diego I passed along The Kidd Kraddick radio award to Kevin Rolston who does a big radio show in Florida. I won’t go into detail here but he’s amazing. And as a bonus, he got into radio because one day when he was in college he saw me doing a live radio show out in the city of Columbus, Ohio and he said, “That’s what I want to do!” Congratulations Kevin!
Saturday was Ava’s 4th birthday party. The theme was Trolls. Tons of kids and a bounce house! What more could you ask for?
Ava’s little sister Evelyn and I had a great time coloring and doing stickers.
Sunday, we had plans to go to the Irish Fair but just got too busy so instead we took a short motorcycle ride to Mayer, had lunch and played dominos which is our new game.
Not a plug because I didn’t get anything for free, BUT shout out to Knuckleheads in Mayer. I’ve never had anything from their menu that I didn’t like!