They had this sign up at Barnes & Noble. Thanks Katie and the entire staff for this! You all were so great!
Savana and her family came by and we got a picture. Thanks for posting it Savana! Great meeting all three of you! Jack was adorable!
This is Rachel. She said, "Maybe I'll make it in your weekend in five pictures!" So we got this shot with her right in front! Love it!
And this down in Eagan at T-Rex Cookies! Love the kids on the floor looking at the book! Thanks Tina and crew for having us! And don't forget the Dave Ryan Cookie is still on sale till the end of April! $2 from every cookie goes to Pause 4 Paws!
On to something totally different! Susan and I went out to Enki Brewing in Victoria on Saturday night. Try the nachos! And we played 3-13. She killed me.
Had to get the motorcycle out on Sunday and rode to Floyd's in Victoria. Not a long ride cuz it was still a little chilly.
We had the fish tacos and the Ahi Tuna Salad. So good! Not a plug, not an ad. Your boy paid full price.
RANDOM! I was digging through some stuff and found these pictures. That's me and my dad on the left when I was in Boy Scouts, and me and Carson on the right when he was in Cub Scouts. Obviously, taken in the exact same spot.
Still training for Pikes Peak and did another 1000 vertical feet on the treadmill Sunday.