Things You Should Keep in Your Glove Compartment, According to a Mechanic

A list of things everyone should have in their glove compartment includes a flashlight, a tire pressure gauge, and a multitool

Well, a mechanic has weighed in with suggestions of what useful items you should keep in yours. Here they are:

1. Flashlight

2. Your vehicle's manual

3. Proof of insurance and registration

4. Tire pressure gauge

5. Mini first aid kit

6. Pen and paper  (How old-fashioned!)

7. A multi-tool: It's more than a Swiss Army knife. It includes pliers, a screwdriver, and a small knife.

8. Spare fuses: It's good to have back-ups in case one blows while on the road. You can reference your vehicle's manual if you don't know how to replace it.

More info here!

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