Worst Date Wednesday Dates in 240 Characters or Less

Check out some of the best Worst Date Wednesday stories from people. 

People also sent us some of their worst date experiences via text at KDWB1 (53921)

Worst date Wednesday: On a date and he suggests he has an app I might like... he said it tracked cycles.... women s cycles. Not only did he not understand it was completely inappropriate but he had it downloaded on his phone with dates set for his cycle =,=3

#worstdate he spent 30 minutes on the phone with his mom!

Went to a guys house after date there was dog crap all over the floor

I show up early to date, so I showed up early to a date and found my date in the middle of another date.

We went to the grocery store that he WORKED at to pick up some items for his MOM and his coworkers kept asking if i was his SISTER

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