The Top Nine Driving Distractions That Can Cause a Crash

It's Distracted Driving Awareness Month, so someone had experts list the top distractions that can cause a crash. Here are their top nine . . .

1. Daydreaming. So, you're bored and just not paying attention.

2. Cell phones. That includes texting and things like messing with your GPS.

3. Looking at stuff outside your vehicle. Billboards cause quite a few accidents.

4. Abusing substances or lacking sleep. Those count as "distractions" too.

5. Reaching for stuff. Like something in the backseat.

6. Other passengers. It's especially dangerous with teen drivers and their friends.

7. Eating and driving. It can be just as dangerous as texting and driving.

8. Messing with onboard systems. Meaning things like the A/C, or the radio.

9. Pets. It's why restraints for dogs are a good idea.


(NY Post)

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