Nine Milestones You Reach in Your Relationship

1.  Kiss the other person when you have morning breath.  Men start doing it at the 5-month mark.  Women wait 8 months.

2.  Start being honest about your finances . . . 8 months for both.

 3.  Be okay with crying in front of them . . . 11 months for men, 5 months for women.

4.  Pass gas openly while they're in the room . . . 9 months for both.


5.  Be honest with them about their flaws instead of pretending everything they do is fine . . . 8 months for men, 1 year for women.


6.  Stop dressing to impress them . . . 9 months for men, 1 year and 2 months for women.


7.  Ask them to bring you toilet paper if it runs out . . . 8 months for guys, 1 year and 2 months for women.  (Wait, what do people do otherwise?  Not use toilet paper?)


8.  Leave the bathroom door open when you go . . . 11 months for men, 1 year and 2 months for women. 


9.  Stay in the bathroom WITH them while they're using it . . . 1 year and 1 month for men, 1 year and 2 months for women.  

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